Wednesday, April 13, 2011

J Is for Just the Facts, Ma'am

I'll confess that I am old school in a lot of ways. One of those is that I find myself writing articles based on researched facts. I am not so good at interjecting opinions along with those facts. This puts me at an underdog status in writing for many of the content sites.

Do you find yourself in the same boat? Some topics lend themselves to personal opinion more than others. I enjoy writing about health and health-related topics. Other than cautions about consulting your health care provider and insights about research conclusions, it seems inappropriate for me to interject opinion or even personal experience in a field that is always changing.

Is this something you have successfully conquered? If so, maybe you'd be kind enough to share with me how you made the transition.


  1. You have the opposite problem of most people! One of the biggest challenges for me and my fellow journalism students was learning to write an article without us in it. But if you're writing about health, I would definitely say interjecting personal experience would be positive, whether it's a story of you or someone you know. People who are trying to get healthier need to know that someone else has truly struggled with this, and had been victorious. The important thing is to strike a balance between researched evidence and experienced evidence, both of which are valuable.

  2. Mandarinblue, you make a valid point. Success stories of any kind can promote optimism--which is key in my mind to conquering whatever ails you.
