Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Primary Tuesday

I just returned from casting my vote for the nominee of my choice for the political party with which I most frequently identify. I proudly wore the "I Just Voted" sticker given me at my polling place, hoping if someone who had not yet voted might be reminded or inspired to do so. I felt really good about participating in the election process of our country; I also felt that I had carried out my responsibility as a citizen of America.

From what I'm hearing on the news, voter turnout on this super primary Tuesday will no doubt be in record numbers. That's great news. Even so, those numbers will still not represent the majority of registered voters, and registered voters don't represent the majority of those old enough to vote.

Whether you feel that this country needs major changes in the way the government works, or you feel that the present situation is acceptable--either way, YOUR VOICE is important. Your VOTE is one of the best ways to make your VOICE heard. It isn't the only way, but it is part of the process.

We live in a country where we have the right to vote; in my mind, it is not only a right, but a responsibility of each citizen. To fail to vote is to say "I don't care." Politicians have long noted the growing silence of the citizenry. Don't ask why elected officials aren't representing your views--especially if you are a non-voter. As citizens we have been bored and frustrated into complacency by the political system and process--but the system and the process isn't at fault. It is we citizens who fail to vote, to write letters, emails, make phone calls, or stay abreast with issues that are really at fault.

If we want our elected officials to stand up and take notice, first we have to do so. Believe me, when more people register to vote and more registered voters vote, elected officials will take notice. They take notice when we write them or call them or visit their offices. Being a responsible citizen in a country such as ours where officials are elected not appointed or born into office requires some effort. The outcome of such effort will be rewarded many times over by a more responsive government. Help me, help yourself and your children, help the entire country by becoming involved.

Write and let me know your thoughts, please.


  1. I was chatting with an author yesterday about the choices. DishNetwork has a quiz you can take via their channel 100 that matches your ideals to the candidates. Apparently, my ideal was Richardson out of New Mexico, but he's since dropped out of the race.

    Anyway, Leslie was talking about a news show she'd been watching. The host was saying that the problem with this election is that the media totally screwed it up. By focusing solely on Clinton and Obama, the candidates that may have been the best choice have now dropped out because they weren't getting enough exposure in the public eye.

    It's really kind of sad.

  2. I agree with you; the media has the power not only to influence public opinion, but to determine outcomes.

    Increased involvement by the general public, would, in my opinion, help to turn that around. The media count on us to buy subscriptions, view commercials, read advertisements, etc. Our collective buying--or not buying--power could turn it around so we influence what and how the media provides information.

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts. Much appreciated.
