Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stop the Fuel Price Increase Madness NOW

Along with groceries, utilities, and healthcare, fuel affects every single person in this country. You don't have to drive a vehicle, ride public transportation, or fly in a jet plane to have these outrageous increases in fuel prices affect you personally. And woe to the people who do drive, use public transportation, or have the need to fly.

The cost of goods--all goods--is going to increase right along with the price of fuel. It costs a lot more money to get product from one place to the next, and we all know to whom those extra costs will be passed.

I can't imagine anyone of any income level not being affected by the rising fuel prices, but I am truly wondering how families with minimum wage incomes manage to put gas in the tank to get to and from work, let alone to the grocery or doctor's office.

We have to make our voices heard soon and in a united way. Our elected officials are not talking enough about this fuel price crisis and doing even less. Our presidential hopefuls need to know how serious this concern is to all of us. Write letters to the editor, call, write or email elected officials and candidates' offices and campaigns. Let's not just talk amongst ourselves--let's make our voices heard in all the places that count--including the voting booth.

See also: http://llwoodard.blogspot.com/2008/02/gas-gasmy-kingdom-for-reasonable-fuel.html

Additional reading: http://www.news-press.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080309/BUSINESS/803090364/1014 How fuel prices are affecting trucking's Owner/Operators

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